I was really expecting a gain in the number department as I usually do on a monthly basis. I have to say that this is the first month I have noticed a lessen in pms symptoms. The cravings and fatigue where much more manageable then they have been in a long time.
I just tried to stay focused on the facts of the situation and tried not to give into what my body or emotions wanted. I looked up alternate foods to my cravings and for the most part they worked. Making sure I stayed hydrated worked as well. I made from scratch dark chocolate chip cookies (dairy free) and they where good and hit the spot. I did not find perfection in this week, I found balance and that is a huge victory for me and my old way of thinking being evicted from my life.
Still working and progressing through my December challenges and goals. Can not believe December is almost over. Time really does fly when your having fun and I have been doing just that with this process this month. I had a short term goal to reach 210 by the end of the year. I just may hit that goal yet :)
Health is starting to spread in the house, kids are wanting to work out with me more and more and the Hubby, bless his heart stepped onto the path with us officially last week :) It really does change the dynamic in the house when both parents share a common goal that is good for all in the family.
He is participating in a 10 week biggest loser contest at work and the highest percentage wins the pot. He is doing great making small changes and taking baby steps. Feels good to move forward with my hubby at my side.
I pray that we can encourage and support each other in the way we need that is unique to our common goal and our individual needs.
Walking hand in hand From the Inside Out..
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