Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monthly Weigh In with Photos Day 64

I am so excited about all the updates I have for my blog and have scheduled the time to do it :)

This week I adventured into once a month cooking. I am starting with two weeks though and testing the waters. I have got to say it is so far..WONDERFUL! breakfast, lunch and dinners are all ready to go everyday. The family and myself are really enjoying the breakfast burritos we have on hand that make morning a breeze.

I'll post more on that in another post, so far now lets get to the numbers and pics!

Here are the Wednesday Weigh Ins ( WWI) I missed. Post pics of my app so you can see the numbers.

Here is 9/19/2012

Here is 9/26/2012

Here are todays WWI stats

Not sure how it calculates my lean mass being higher then my starting even though I weigh less and have inches loss, but it seems to be heading in the right direction now.

Here are comparison photos
Day 1                                            Day 64

I lost 3 lbs this last week. Total lbs lost 15.3!
Slow and steady will win the race :)

I have lots of exciting things to update and post about. New pebble moments and something exciting I signed up for. I am shooting for tomorrow as I cleared my schedule to get my blog all up to date :)

From the inside out.....


  1. You are doing amazing! The pictures show more than all your words. And it's hard, I know... But like you said, slow and steady you WILL win that race!
    Looking good!

    1. Thank You Joke, I am learning to patiently enjoy the journey :)

      I am glad your little girl is doing better. I translated the websites and loved taking a look at your blogs. The bike seat is very cute. Hope your baby girl enjoys her princess shirt, it is very pretty, my girls would love it!
